Colour Therapy

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1. Take one box of freshly sharpened pencils in the colours of the rainbow.

Choose one of the following two options:

2a. Take a crisp white blank page and draw and colour what the heart desires.


2b. Open a colouring in book and choose a picture (always the option I like!). Who says colouring in books are only for children?

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3. Find a space where you will not be disturbed, grab a nice pot of tea, some calming music or silence (I prefer the later personally), and colour.

4. Forget about the world for half an hour or so. Focus on nothing but colours – calming blues, vibrant oranges, stormy purples.

pencils and book This is my version of meditation. When my mind wanders from the task at hand, I gently coax it back by focusing on colouring in between the lines, what colour I will choose next or the colour I am currently using. No rules here, just what my heart desires.

I am always in a happier place and much calmer after spending some time with my pencils. Release your inner child, what have you got to lose?


Duck Egg Blue Mamma

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